Thread: Substitution
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Old Tue Oct 02, 2001, 04:00pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by PP
Mechanics maybe?

Does a substitute have to report to the table during a Time-out (full or 30 )Many coaches signal with their fingers 1 ,2 or 3 subs. Must the official say all substitute to the table or it is ok to allow this format to continue? Help

By rule, the substitutes must report, except at halftime, and give their number to the scorer. You use NCAA rules in Canada, right? The reference is 3-4. (The FED rule is the same, but the reference might be different).

If this is a "less formal" league (generally called "rec league" here), then what the coach is doing might be accepted practice. If many coaches do it, and no one complains, I'd let it go.

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