Originally posted by SMEngmann
In my opinion this has to be a technical in a high school game, because the way I read it, this is an act of taunting. You never know how this could potentially escalate between the 2 players, particularly if the game becomes a blowout. I do not work college, so I'd have to leave that to you guys who do, but in my area we have a zero tolerance mandate for unsportsmanlike conduct, so I would very likely T here to maintain control of the game.
I think what many are saying is that if it's between 2 teammates, see if you can warn but if it's to their opponent, that might require penalty. It still amazes me how many of these kids know each other from other sports or AAU or whatever. Sometimes my initial reaction is to jump in but the 2 players are laughing. Why then do I need to get involved other than to make sure fans and other teammates don't get involved and carry it over the line. I usually would tell them that others might mistake what they are saying so let's cut it out.