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Old Mon Oct 01, 2001, 07:15pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by Dakota
Had this happen in a 12U tournament yesterday (ASA JO).

B1 has 2 strike count. She squares to bunt. Pitch comes way inside -- right at batter's legs. Batter turns and steps back, bringing the bat down and back toward the catcher. Batter is facing away from the infield when the ball hits the bat and goes foul.

I call foul ball, count stays at 2 strikes. Defensive coach wants batter out, but rule 7-6G says When the batter bunts foul after the second strike... and POE 9 says, in considering whether the batter swung to consider Did he make an attempt to hit the pitch?.

I ruled that while she did square to bunt, she was no longer making an attempt to hit the pitch, and she did not hit the ball foul while bunting, but while trying to get out of the way of the errant pitch.

Did I kick it?

(PS - my partner thought I did. He said once she squared to bunt, it was a foul while bunting. We discussed this after the game because he - my partner - told the coach I was wrong before the coach came to talk to me. I was not pleased.)

[Edited by Dakota on Oct 1st, 2001 at 02:02 PM]
Tell your partner to finally open his rule book to page 46 and read the definition of BUNT:

"A bunt is a ball that is intentionally tapped with the bat, slowly, within the infield. A bunt shold never be considered and infield fly."

After reading the definition to him, ask him to turn to page 98 and check out rule 8.6.G (BATTER IS OUT): (Fast Pitch only) When the batter bunts foul after the second strike. If the ball is caught in the air, it remains live and in play."

Please point out to your former partner that the verb in the defining sentence is "bunts". Not "attempt", not "squared to", but it states the ball must be bunted which requires intentional contact with the ball.

BTW, you might want to have another talk with the coach with rule book in hand so there is no misunderstanding the next time this happens.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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