I don't have a red player. I have three black (BR) and three white (FR)on the base of each side. On the small wheel that moves there is small circle with numbers 1-6 for the starters numbers. Then there is a larger circle with room for substitutions. I assume that each time there is a change in server I rotate it so that the server is the RB spot. As for subs, record them in the larger circle. If that's not how you use this thing, I can't figure it out. Assuming that I am right, I can see how this thing would make spotting overlapping easier, but I am wondering if it won't be more work keeping up with this than using the the index card. I can see that I need to take a pair of fingernail clippers and put small notches to make it easier to move the wheel. What say you seasoned veterans? Do you like the cards better or the wheel? I have a six game Frosh tourney tomorrow and want to make it as easy as possible.
 That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!