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Old Fri Sep 09, 2005, 09:13am
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Wichita, KS
Posts: 945
Last Friday both teams were very good in both asking for help correctly and also informing me of where they were trying to line up. On one play the wide guy to my side came out and said that he was "off" and I confirmed back to him that he was "off". There was also a slot inside of him who never checked his position and was also off. So the tackle is uncovered now. HL has 3 on his side and I have 2 on my side so we flag them for illegal formation. After we mark off the penalty, A comes back to the line for the next play. Same guy comes out to my side to line up. He says to me, "I guess I am supposed to be on." I almost laughed but replied that he was "on" now. I guess even when they ask the question correctly and we give them the right answer they may still have it wrong because they just didn't know where they were going in the first place.
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