REPLY: I would never say or do anything that could be implied as telling the player to move. I might say (to no one in particular) "Watch where you're lining up" or "Number 12 is on the line" or something like that. But I'd never wave a player back or explicitly tell him to move for fear that the snap might occur as he's moving and then I could be accused of causing hiim to foul.
Most of the varsity players around here--at least for the first few series--will come out and either point toward the line or into the backfield to let me know where they're supposed to be lining up. If they're out of whack, I'll say "Number 22 is in the backfield" to let him know he hasn't made it to the LOS. I also will put my upfield foot on the line and tell them "Here's the line." Then it's up to them.
Bob M.