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Old Sun Sep 30, 2001, 10:37pm
Ed Hickland Ed Hickland is offline
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Originally posted by Zeke5

Well I just turned my games back for this week because of an injury I sustained when I stepped in a 6" deep hole on a field Friday night (I did some job on my knee).

Anyway, I was just wondering if any of you have stopped a game in order to correct dry field conditions such as holes. It didn't hit me until later that it would've been a good idea to fill the hole before we continued the contest in consideration of player (as well as official) safety. It wasn't likely that a grounds person or even a shovel were in same area code of the field I was on, but I was curious to see how you guys have handled it.
Sorry to hear about your knee.

My line judge and linesman walk the field as the first order of business. But in our first scrimmage this year I stepped into a hole in the middle of the field. I summoned the AD who complained grounds crew was not available and he said, "just have the players run around it."

No way. The coaches agreed with me and found some sand from the high jump pit.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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