"Advantage = He uses it to go around the defender"
"If the offensive player gains an advantage (by the ball coming to a rest) to allow him or her to get past the defender"
As you have pointed out the "carrying" violation does no longer mean that the hand has to be under the ball.
So if the word "rest", which is used in the rulebook, does no longer apply to the hand beeing under the ball/ or 90 degrees angle, the word "rest" simply turns out to be a vague description for dribbling.
Conclusion = You are not allowed to make dribbling moves that gives you a certain advantage when getting pass the defender.
I still dont know where to draw the line. There are of course plenty of moves that aim of going around the defender. The moves in them selves give the ballhandler an advantage as he is able to use them to get pass the defender.
What moves are then allowed and which are not?