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Old Tue Aug 30, 2005, 06:08am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by M&M Guy
But, in the extreme and unlikely example of, say a player doing push-ups in the lane - as long as their feet are within their lane space, even though their hands are in the middle of the lane...

Just to eliminate the "disconcertion" possibility, let's say it's a teammate of the freethrower, and the free throw is made.

Have I been missing something all these years? ...
If you believe that the teammate hasn't left his marked lane space, then there is no violation to call.

There is a pretty strong case to be made that a foot must be out of the space to constitute leaving, since the rules specifically restrict the feet.

Don't worry, it's probably not the only thing you've been missing.

I just enjoy finding loopholes in the rules. This seems to be one of them. The NFHS will probably issue an interp to close this one and ruin my fun.

They did that with the automatic FT violation for a team which only has one player remaining and can't fill both bottom spots a year or so ago. I had cooked up a way for the team that was behind to prevent losing by continually missing the FT. A violation would have to be called without any time running off the clock on every try, thus the game would never end!

I still have my hopping on one foot play though. Picture a dribbler in the backcourt who begins to hop on one foot. This dribbler then hops into the frontcourt. After reaching the FT line, the player turns around and proceeds into the backcourt again. Since only one foot ever touched in the frontcourt, I hope you were still continuing your ten-second count!
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