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Old Wed Sep 26, 2001, 08:10pm
Theisey Theisey is offline
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Oh baby, I know how you feel. Yes, the game should temporarily be halted while the home team management gets the condition corrected. Possibly, if the teams are moving away from the problem area, the game could continue while the repairs are being planned. Someone could "guard" the danger area as well.

Several years ago, while working a scrimmage on an unlined field, I stepped into a hole at least that deep and about 10 inches long. It was well into the out of bounds area, but you could barely see it due to long floppy grass. I thought I broke the ankle. They put a mat over it since it was OOB, and since we had their first game next week, I know the problem was corrected by then.
Point being, when I walk the field, I'm at least 3 to 4 yards off looking for just this kind of problem. While I'm glad to say it has never occurred again, I limped through the entire season with a wobbly leg. Thank goodness for the trainers (at the NCAA level) as they gladly taped me up every game. It was not so easy for NFHS games, I'm a lousy taper.
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