Thread: Both ways
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Old Wed Sep 26, 2001, 09:04am
mick mick is offline
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953

Last night Girls' Varsity.
I'm Lead on breakaway.

B4 stole the ball at mid-court and W40 (on B4's right) closely paralleled.
B4 got about a 1/4 step ahead of W40 and had a clear path to the front of the rim.
At that time W40, who never made an attempt at the ball, slowed to concede the layup and B4 slanted right for the backboard lay-in.
B4's right foot (coming up behind her) hit W40 (almost stopped) in the knee, and B4 went down.
B4 and ball went outa bounds.
I've got no push, no trip, no hands. It was all B4.
White ball!

Coach B asked "Wha'!"
"She tripped coach."

Not a minute later, I'm Trail, W15 is dribbling at mid-court sideline (table side) with B10 closely guarding (B10 is upright, facing and no hands). W15 makes a moved to her right and her left foot caught B10's planted foot and W15 goes down.
B10 hits ball OOB.
White Ball!
As I jogged over I told Coach B, "See, it goes both ways."
He says, "Yeah, but they got the ball both times."


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