Tue Sep 25, 2001, 08:50am
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Originally posted by BktBallRef
In NC, girls play volleyball and tennis in the fall, basketball in the winter, and softball, soccer, and track in the spring.
Quite honestly, it would be wiser to play VB in the spring, and softball in the fall. Why? They start softball practice on February 1st. I realize we're in NC, and not one of the northern staes but it's still quite cold here, on in to March. But we still have very good weather for outdoor sports in the fall until late October. They're outside when they should be inside and inside when they should be outside. It makes no sense.
In Michigan, why does it matter when these sports are played as long as they are offered? I can see a day when boys and girls season will have to be separated, just so that we will have enough officials to work the games.
Below is a link to USA Today.