Well, as respectfully as I may say this, you're mistaken. FOIL applies to public agencies and their documents or information. Assigners work for school districts and school districts are definitely public agencies, funded by public monies. If you read the Advisory Opinion in link #3 at the bottom of my posting you will see that it clearly explains that subcontractors like officiating organization like IAABO etc. that perform work solely for these public schools/agencies, then material pertaining thereto is FOIL-able.
In fact I have already gotten these assignment schedules for all the schools we serve because it is covered under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Law.
I am just passing on this information to those who are not on boards as just, equitable and fair as yours. Glad to hear there is on such board that works that way! Hopefully, boards like yours are the rule, and boards like mine are the exception.
I have tried for years, and I do mean years, to ensure parity in assignments on our board. Obtaining the master schedule of assignments allows me and others to draw our own conclusion as to equity by examing this kind of information.
So, now you may understand why I posted "my rant" as you called it. I would not have posted information such as I did if it were false or misleading. I only posted after certifying that assigners schedules are FOIL-able by actually having gotten such information myself.
Thanks for you response.
John Visentin
[Edited by jcv44wf on Aug 22nd, 2005 at 01:13 AM]