Thread: Rules Myths
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Old Sat Aug 20, 2005, 07:49pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Re: Misunderstood Carry Rule

Originally posted by BillyMac
Jurassic Referee has again convinced me by his rule citations to change #10 on my "Most Misunderstood Rules" handout:

10) (Change) Palming or carrying is when a player gains an advantage when the ball comes to rest in the player's hand and the player either travels with the ball or dribbles a second time. There is no restriction as to how high a player may bounce the ball, provided the ball does not come to rest in a playerÂ’s hand. Steps taken during a dribble are not traveling, including several that are sometimes taken when a high dribble takes place. It is not possible for a player to travel during a dribble. (Rule 4-15-4a,b, Rule 4-43-2, Rule 9-5). (Thanks Jurassic Referee).

Note to Jurassic Referee: I respectfully disagree with your statement "Advantage/disadvantage was never meant to apply to violations". I have read and reread "The Intent and Purpose of the Rules", which I believe is refered to as the "Tower Philosophy", which is commonly refered to as "Advantage/Disadvantage", and nowhere does it state that this philosophy is meant to apply only to fouls and is not meant to apply to violations.

So........I take it that you're gonna train all of your officials to ignore palming if they don't happen to feel that an advantage was gained? Right? Oooo....kay.

Good luck. I'm sure that all of your coaches and fans will go along with that and applaud your officials' wisdom when they see blatant and obvious carries by their opponents ignored.

Personally, I think that you're setting yourself up for one helluva lot of grief if you disseminate statements like that to your coaches and parents. Do you really think that even one of them mighta even heard about something called the Tower Philosophy, let alone read it? Naw, all the coaches and parents know is that they saw an obvious palm out there and nobody called the damn thing. And to expect new or learning officials to carry out your advantage/disadvantage philosophy equally, uniformly and consistently on violations is just pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking on your part imo. They're lucky if they can recognize most violations, let alone trying to stop and think about whether they should actually call it or not.

I respectfully disagree completely with your advantage/disadvantage philosophy with regards to violations. And where are you gonna draw the line btw? Stepping oob is a violation. Gonna teach your guys to ignore that one also if they don't think an advantage was gained? Give 'em an extra step? Over and back when there's no pressure? Ten second count when there's no pressure? Ignore the thrower stepping inbounds on a throw-in? Do you plan on telling your officials to apply your advantage/disadvantage philosophy to all violations, or maybe just to a few that you personally think should be included?

Obviously, I ain't gonna change your mind. You know now how I feel though. You're trying to make the game a helluva lot more complicated than it it actually is, and that really ain't a good idea.

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Aug 20th, 2005 at 09:00 PM]
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