It looks like bk is hijacking this thread, and I am about to follow suit.
I would mention that we need to remember that this is a U12 level and, while it would be nice to see the best of the Blue on the field, I wouldn't expect to see the same people working the NCAA post season in games at this level. We can only hope that these umpires have been assigned, and recognize there assignment, as a reward for their hard work and dedication to the game at the level they are at in their careers and that they will continue to work at their game, learn, and improve. And, maybe these are the mechanics taught by Little League? On the other hand, if these officials work higher levels of softball
and they think they are showing the world how softball umpires should work
I can only shake my head.
On another tangent, the NPF playoffs and All-Star game will be televised the weekend of August 27/28 and we can pick on the best of Blue from the greater Chicago area. Oh, and maybe see some good softball, too.
[Edited by CelticNHBlue on Aug 18th, 2005 at 04:04 PM]