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Old Mon Sep 24, 2001, 10:07am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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I don't call NFHS games, since they are all afternoon games & my job won't allow it, so I will only comment re: ASA.

I agree with Mike's post, but just wanted to add my 2ยข.

The problem with the ASA book on this play is the player running to 1B after striking out is never defined (not a batter anymore, not a BR, not a retired runner, etc.) so application of the interference rules gets a bit dicey.

The only thing that is clear wrt ASA is the player is not out for interference for drawing the throw to 1B.

Getting in the way of another play being made is a different matter, and we must determine which interference rules apply. My call would be "no call - live ball - play on" UNLESS...the player did something to intentionally interfere with the thrown ball, or "hindered the catcher".

In other words, I'd treat her like a batter stepping out of the box - intent required if she interfers with a thrown ball (7-6O3); intent immaterial if she gets tangled up with the catcher (7-6O1). Otherwise, play on. If there was no intent to interfere beyond merely running to 1B, then it doesn't matter where the catcher was throwning or why.

From reading these boards, I seem to recall a ruling from NFHS on a BR progressing to 1B after ball 4 and getting hit by a thrown ball while outside of the 3' lane. NFHS ruled this was an out. Did this ruling get recinded? If not, does it have any (indirect) bearing on this play for NFHS?
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