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Old Mon Sep 24, 2001, 07:49am
mikesears mikesears is offline
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Originally posted by don16954
There has been conflicting information provided by NFHS rules interpretors at two neighboring state assoications' rules meetings. Thae problem is that certain schools have contracts with crews from both assoications and are being given different interpretations to the same situation. At our rule interpretation meeting, our members were told that snapper protection is stated under scrimmage kick rules, and applies only until such time as he can reasonably fend for himself. At neighboring association's meeting the interpreter told its members that snapper protection is extended to snapper not only in scrimmage kick formation, but also when the Quarterback lines up for a scrimmage play in the "shotgun" formation. He stated that anytime the receiving kicker or back is more than 7 yards back from the LOS, the snapper is to be protected. Since a snapper should not have his head down when snapping to a back in the "shot gun" formaton and since we can find no rule nor any case book scenario showing this extended snapper protection for "shot gun" or other non scrimage kick formation situations, should the snapper be afforded such protection in non-scrimmage kick situations?
Anytime the person receiving the snap is lined up 7 yards or more behind the line of scrimmage and is in a position to recieve the snap, it is a scrimmage kick formation and the snapper is afforded protection. So if the QB lines up 7 or more yards behind the line of scrimamge in a shotgun formation (behind the Center), the snapper is afforded protection. They don't have to kick.
Mike Sears
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