Originally posted by Ref in PA
The rule support you find is in 4-40-4 "The try ends when the throw is successful, when it is certain the throw is unsuccessful, when the ball touches the floor or when the ball becomes dead."
The only legal touch of a try I can think of is when the try by A1 is on its upward arc (not sure why A2 would block a try by A1). This type of a touch I would consider a pass from A1 to A2, with A2 receiving credit should the ball go in the basket.
All other types of touches by A2 are after the try by A1 has ended or they end the try of A1.
A tap of a try by A1 on its downward arc by A2 that was going into the basket would be GT (9-12). If the ball was not going to go in, A1's try has ended and the touch by A2 is legal.
If the try by A1 did not go in immediately but is on the rim or any part of the ball is within the cylinder above the rim and A2 taps the ball, that is BI (9-11). So for A2 to legally touch the ball, it must be outside the cylinder after the missed shot by A1 - in other words the try by A1 has ended.
Either way the try by A1 ends with the touch of A2. If it was a legal touch by A2, then A2 gets credited with the made basket, not A1, as his try ended.
I can accept the theory that the try ends, due to being apparently unsuccessful, when touched by A2.
But still, A1 is an airborne shooter until he touches the ground. I think I'm going to stop making myself (and everyone else) dizzy, apologize to the board, and stop here.