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Old Tue Aug 16, 2005, 11:22am
BlueinLINY BlueinLINY is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 18


My association (also in NY) uses the Aribter as well. From where I sit it's the most convenient and easy way to assign ANY type of sports.

Every official puts in their availability and the roster of available officials for any given time is computer generated. Each official can see the list of all the officials in the Association and when you're assigned your partner for the game, his name, tel no., address, email address, etc. come up, making it that much easier to call your partner before the games.

If I can give you any more information, feel free to email me through this site. I believe my mailbox is on, if it's not, just lemme know and I'll correct that.
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