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Old Mon Aug 15, 2005, 12:36am
Patton Patton is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 265
1st off, it's the officials job to count the teams and hopefully blow the play dead before it starts in this cicumstance and penalize the defense for a dead ball 5-yard illegal substitution foul instead of the 15-yard illegal partipation. However, that not what you described.

In a) if he is attempting to leave the field then I have a live ball illegal substitution foul. 5 yards from previous spot. A will most like decline and take the result of the play.

In b) if he's not attempting to leave the field, that's a live ball illegal participation foul. 15 yard from previous spot. A will most like decline and take the result of the play.

In c) this is the change this year in which many pages exist on this forum dealing primarly whith the enforcement spot. It is live ball illegal participation foul enforced from the basic spot. Since this foul is on the defense it would be enforced from the end of the run. I think that's right??

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