Thread: LL Minn vs Iows
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Old Sun Aug 14, 2005, 01:39pm
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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Originally posted by Rich Ives
Gotta be a small piece of his mind - it isn't a big mind to start with.
Gee Rich, you want to match mind games? We've done this before, you know.

So Ozzy, care to let us know what happened along the way that resulted in your opinion of LL?
Short memory, buddy. Done it several times on another board, twice for you! I guess you are experiencing a memory problem.

I "get" Tee's position - there are standards for how things are done and LL doesn't meet them.

But your position seems more deeply rooted.
Deeper than you or anyone would care to deal with. In 20 years, nothing has changed. Fact is I woke up and realized that the whole LL thing is a joke. It's a nice thing to start out with, but after a while, you realize that there is more to life than a 60' diamond. Bronco and Pony is just catching on here. What a refreshing change! Kids playing real baseball - not LL crap!

But then, when your whole life is trying to get to Williamsport to umpire on TV for nothing and line dance on the foul line, I guess I cannot convince you that the whole concept is lunacy. That is unless you got paid to do LL - then you can't go anywhere! SOrry, I'll stick with 90' diamonds and upper level. You guys can do it for the kids!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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