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Old Sun Aug 14, 2005, 11:29am
refTN refTN is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 348
Originally posted by Love this Game
I read this thread when it was first posted and I must say this.

In Ohio we have been doing three man for years.

When we first started doing three man I hated it. I did not like it from the stand point that a three man crew saved a lot of careers. All of the varsity games and all tournament games have three man crews!

A lot of official were on there way out ready to retire. There were guys who could barely move up the court as it is but had there careers saved by three man.

I had mixed feelings of a three man. And i still feel this way.

I am an official that really gets in to the game, I like to run, I like to be part of the flow of the game. I think I work harder and call a much better game in a two man just because I know I have half and my partner has the other half.

But in a three man people get lazy, I dont think they work as hard. Now dont get me wrong when you have two teams the move up and down the court, and who are banging in the paint having a three man really helps.

But i will say this, find you a crew that you like to work with and try to stay with them. Working with a person or persons who does not know how to work a three man especaiallly when it is time to rotate it really makes it rough.

LTG why do you think you're not more into the flow of the game if you work 3-man? If you work 2 man you stay on one side with never rotating. With 3-man you have to rotate constantly. JMO though.

My state has been doing 3 man as long as can remember in everything from regular season games to the state tournament. For me it is just so hard to believe that so many places use 2 man.

Old Dude Ref, in TN we get paid I think this year is $70 and next year is $75.