Thread: Off-Season
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Old Fri Sep 21, 2001, 09:52am
Charlie B Charlie B is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 9
I'm in Pennsylvania, and I only work baseball. My offseason runs from November through mid-March, when HS ball starts.

I use the offseason to work out, since I don't have time when I'm doing games. I have a pretty serious, 7-day-a-week program that alternates cardio and overall strength training. It takes about 1.5 hours a day. In the past, I've done it at home, but this winter I'm going to try the fancy machines at the gym. I've found it takes me about 8 weeks to get to what I consider to be a good strength and cardio baseline.

Other than working out, I use the offseason to review rules and mechanics, go to clinics, etc.

Charlie Breuninger
Charlie Breuninger
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