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Old Sat Aug 13, 2005, 08:06pm
TravelinMan TravelinMan is offline
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Originally posted by Macaroo
Originally posted by TravelinMan
When I moved to NC where they do 3-man, the officials were SHOCKED that NY was still doing 2 man because in their mind it is a much more physical game in the Big Apple and it needs to be controlled even more than other states. Somehow I thought you should be aware of that perception.
And were you EQUALLY shocked by what the pay is for HS officials in the south compared to NY? That is a bigger adjustment than going from two-man to three-man.
Macaroo -

Nothing shocks me...... I'm from NY Less pay per game, but fuller schedule. In NY, there was a separate association for girls basketball, so I never got to do HS girls Bball. Not the case in NC. Of course, I don't know if that was good or bad Another advantage to 3-man is I feel I can officate more years (definitely. less grueling on the legs). I'm 59 (still in good shape) but as they say I get older every year while the players stay the same age....