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Old Sat Aug 13, 2005, 11:55am
scottk_61 scottk_61 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 573
I have to agree with what the OBR says and have for years.

Personally, I don't carry a rule book but I have one that is close enough to suit my purposes as well as a Case Book (something that everyone should invest in if you want to get the call right)

I started umpiring in 1978 (didn't do softball until early 1980)
I came along in a system of training that said, "Eject any coach who brings a rule book on the field."

I don't feel that threatened by a coach with a rule book.
I have tossed more than one coach for showing his A$$ while waving a rule book But NEVER for a coach asking me to explain a ruling when he or she thought the rule book said something different.

I have done over 30 ASA Nationals in all three forms of softball. There have been times I have had a protest about a rule application or interpretation but have never had a protest upheld.

I make every effort to learn the rules and apply them correctrly, I have made mistakes like every other human out there.

If you want to keep a rule book handy, do so.
But UNDERSTAND AND BE AWARE that frequent referrals to it is an invitation to lose control of your game.
I say don't sit around and read the rule book near the field after a game and definately don't spend time looking at it between innings
That is just asking for trouble.

I have on occassion sat and read the rule book before a game and have had comments about it both negative and positive. My answer to both groups is that I am just refresing my memory or testing myself.
Often in REC leagues, it has been beneficial as I end up in good coverstation with players, coaches and parents who have rule questions and I get the opportunity to educate a little.

Most of all, it is going to depend of you, your ability to communicate, your rule knowledge, and your experience with rule situations.

Be smart, not just book smart and have a good attitude.
If you have those attributes, your games will probably go well (in spite of fans, coaches and players who don't have a clue).

Have fun with your games
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