Originally posted by Camron Rust
Answer these questions...
1. Team control?
2. Ball (not player)has FC status?
3. Team A last to touch the ball before the ball returns to the backcourt.
4. Team A first to touch after ball returns to the backcourt.
If any are no...no violation.
#1. Yes...clearly since A1 was dribbling up to this point.
#2. Yes. Since the 3-point exception only applies during dribbler, the fumble causes the ball to be in the FC when it bounces.
#3. Yes. Prior to the fumble.
#4. Yes. After the fumble.
I'm in total agreement with points #1 & #2, but please help me to understand how the ball returns to the backcourt, I don't read that in the post.
I liken this situation to A1 strattling the line, passing to A2 (who is in the frontcourt; ball is now in the frontcourt) and then receiving a return pass while still straddling the line. That would, IMO, constitute an obvious violation.
But I appreciate your post, I did learn that the ball can gain FC status, during a fumble, while the player my still be in the BC.