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Old Tue Aug 09, 2005, 05:21am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by Camron Rust
Also, a player actually touching the lane is in the lane even if the feet are out of the lane...cover the case where the lean too far and fall down.
So Camron, Are you saying that this constitutes a FT violation? If so, I don't interpret it that way. I concede that you certainly have a case to argue, but I argue for the opposite side.

Does a player in a marked lane space who keeps his feet in their proper location, but bends down and puts his hand on the floor inside the lane violate any of the provisions of 9-1?

Art. 5 Is putting a hand on the floor in the lane disconcertion?
I doubt it.

Art. 6 Is it leaving a marked lane space?
I don't think so.

Art. 9 ...may not have either foot beyond... blah, blah... Seems to only restrict the feet, not the hands/arms, etc.

I just can't find any rule that is being violated. I also checked the specific language of 4-35 and 9-7.

[Edited by Nevadaref on Aug 9th, 2005 at 06:28 AM]
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