1 - Yes, always...
2 - There is no such thing as a 'correctable' play when the ball becomes dead by legitimate means (ie, the umpire did not kill the play when it was not called for). This is an appealable offense and, as an umpire, I am only hoping the defense is paying attention. I don't like to miss the opportunity to call outs.
Generally speaking, with few exceptions, a runner is always required to return and touch any/all bases if they left early (as in your situation) prior to advancing to the awarded base and they must be touched in legal order (ie. can't go straight from first to third on a two base award). It should be treated as a live ball situation with the exception that the runner can not be put out because the ball is dead. Any deviation is appealable and will result in the offending runner being called out if properly appealed.
Wade Ireland
Softball Umpire