Originally posted by gtwbam
During an attempted onside kick from its 40-yard line, the ball bounces into the air. As the ball is airborne, near R's 49 yard line, K2 jumps and controls the ball at R's 48 yard line. Prior to coming to the ground, K2 is pushed out of bounds where the recovery is completed. In the covering official's opinion, K2 would have landed inbounds.
What's the ruling?
In Canada, the kick-off line is the 45 (because we have 110 yard fields). The restraining zone extends to centre-ice, the 55.
Therefore, this is equivalent to K2 while airborne, controlling the ball at the R53. This is a legal recovery by K (greater than 10 yards from point of kick-off). The official's judgment that R's contact pushed K to land OB when K would have landed IB follows the same philosophy as a pass receiver being pushed OB. It is a legal and successful kick recovery, K-1D/10 @ R-48.