Originally posted by MJT
Dogmatic is pretty harsh! Regarding question number 5, it says "if substitute B12 enters the field during a down but does not participate or influence the play, it is a nonplayer foul." On the NF webpage, under casebook clarifications it says, and I quote "*9.6 COMMENT, Page 71: b: If a substitute enters the field during the down, but does not make any contact with an opponent or touch the ball and does not influence the play(the bold preceding this has been crossed out) it is illegal participation and a live-ball foul enforced from the basic spot. (9-6-4a) NOTE: Based on the rules change, officials are strongly encouraged to make certain that the substitutes entry into the field had some impact on the play and was not incidental to viewing the game or simply being in the bench area."
Now if I am missing something, let me know, but that seems pretty clear that with the NF clarification, which is what #5 says, it is False. Seeing that, do you still disagree? If so, no problem, we disagree.
Yes MJT, you are missing something. You posted it and you're still MISSING it!
Yes, the term
but does not make any contact with an opponent or touch the ball and does not influence the play has been crossed out. It was crossed out because it doesn't apply. It should never have been printed. Can you not see that?
Read *5.1.2 SITUATION B, in the same set of interpretations.
During A1s run for a first down to Bs 20-yard line,
B12 commits a nonplayer foul for a substitute entering the field during the down, but not touching the ball, influencing the play, etc. Immediately following the down, A1 taunts an opponent. RULING:
If the official determines B12s act of entering the field to be a foul, and it is accepted, the penalty for B entering during the down is enforced from the previous spot. After the decision in this foul, A will be penalized 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct and A will have the ball 1st and 10. (9-5-1a; 9-6-1a)
The portion in
italics was added to warn us not to call this if it has no affect on the play.
That's the EXACT SAME PLAY as #5. And it says right there that B12 commits a
NON-PLAYER FOUL. So how can you tell me that it's not a non-player foul? That makes no sense, my friend.