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Old Sat Aug 06, 2005, 11:16am
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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cowboyfan1, I agree with your interpretation. I'm afraid that MJT is convinced he's right and is unwilling to listen to any other interpretation. The penaly section of the rule does indeed say that the penalty is enforced from the basic spot, not under the ABO.

While we're at it, take a look at #5 on the NFHS Part 1 Exam. MJT and I have argued this play as well, and I believe the NF backs up my argument. The statement reads,

5- If substitute B12 enters the field during a down but does not participate or influence the play, it is a non-player foul.

I believe this to be a true statement. The NFHS answer key also says the statement is true. Also, an almost identical question is in the NFHS Interps on their website.

*5.1.2 SITUATION B, PAGE 34: During A1’s run for a first down to B’s 20-yard line, B12 commits a nonplayer foul for a substitute entering the field during the down, but not touching the ball, influencing the play, etc.

RULING: If the official determines B12’s act of entering the field to be a foul, and it is accepted, the penalty for B entering during the down is enforced from the previous spot. (9-5-1a; 9-6-1a)

Seems pretty cut and dry to me that #5 is a true statement based on 3-7-4 and 2-30-10.

[Edited by BktBallRef on Aug 6th, 2005 at 12:20 PM]
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