Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Speaking ASA
It is inappropriate, but it is used. The well-trained umpires will use the approved signal for a ball which hits the plate or in front of the plate which is a "dead ball" signal with the verbal "ball". Slowly, but surely, the players are catching on to this.
I thought about what you said above... interesting. I know we weren't taught that mechanic up here in the great Northwest. Questions for you:
- Since we're taught "Verbal down, visual up", would you, while in the set position, verbalize "ball", then stand up and give the "dead ball" signal? Or would they both be one action, done at the same time?
- Would your verbal be "dead ball - ball", "dead ball", or just "ball"?
- Would you do this mechanic also for leagues where stealing is not allowed? Or only for leagues where it is?