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Old Thu Aug 04, 2005, 05:02pm
Patton Patton is offline
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Posts: 265
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Patton, I have no idea. The listed references are 3-7-4 and 2-16-2e. What do you think? Is #5 true or false?

MJT, based on 2-30-10, B12 is a substitute, a non-player. Why is it not a non-player foul and why isn't the penalty IS?
First off, let's throw out the reference 3-7-4. I think we can all agree it doesn't apply.

After reading 2-16-2e, I would have to answer this question false. 2-16-2e basically defines illegal participation as NOT a nonplayer foul and 9-6-4a now says "It is illegal participation when any player, replaced player or substitute enters during a down".

So illegal participation is not a nonplayer foul even though it can be committed by what's defined as a "nonplayer". Clear as mud!!

[Edited by Patton on Aug 4th, 2005 at 06:57 PM]
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