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Old Wed Aug 03, 2005, 08:38am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Lightbulb Canadian Ruling

Originally posted by Grey Hare
I know this subject came up somewhere on this board before, but I wanted to revisit it concerning Illegal Forward Pass.

On the NFHS web site, it describes the illegal forward pass play as:

Team A has the ball first and 10 on its own 5 yard line. A1 drops back and intends to throw a backward pass to A2. The pass is actually thrown forward. A2 then throws a forward pass that actually falls incomplete.
Illegal forward pass, 10 yards or ½ the distance from previous spot. Accept and repeat the down, decline and roll the down.

However, in the Fed ruling posted, it implies the end zone is involved. If this is true: amend the above application to:

Decline the penalty and continue with an incomplete pass. Accept the penalty and earn a safety touch.
Pope Francis
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