Wed Aug 03, 2005, 06:43am
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Location: Bloomington, IL
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Originally posted by PSU213
Originally posted by Deep
What may be tripping you up is that the test says "during the down" and that the rule says "until the kick has ended". Seems like a goofy way to write a test, but think about it this way, the kick and the down end at the same time if there has been a signal. If the kick goes out of bounds, is a touchback, or lays on the field with no one fielding it, the down ends and therefore the kick does, too. If A or B catch or recover it, the ball is dead, the kick ends and so does the down.
Like I said, I think this is a poor way to write a test question.
I was thinking about this earlier (not in relation to this question) and this came to me.
K1's punt is high and short. R2 gives a valid signal. Ball lands beyond the NZ and then bounces behind it (I don't think the ball going beyond the NZ matters). K3 picks the ball up and begins to advance. Am I correct that in this case, the down would not end, but R2 would be able to block? Or, am I missing something obvious?
You are right. This is a situation where a valid or invalid fair catch signal has been given, the down has not ended, but the kick has.
Mike Sears