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Old Tue Aug 02, 2005, 05:25pm
Matthew F Matthew F is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 111
Originally posted by mcrowder
Your case for what?

I don't think anyone was saying your ACTIONS were wrong at the time... just your assumption that since you thought he blew the call, then obviously he blew the call.

(Note that if he'd come to you, then in my opinion he, himself, felt that he had missed something, which changes EVERYthing in my previous posts. Since he didn't, not only does his call "stand", but further I'm inclined to assume he did NOT, in fact, blow the call.)
So (using the example of my previous post) if the PU doesn't come to you, you say the ball call stands - we agree.

If the PU doesn't come to you, does that mean you didn't actually see the batter swing the bat? By your logic, that batter's swing didn't happen!?!?! Yet, you would have said "He Swung" had the PU asked for help. Can't have it both ways!

Just because one umpire makes a judgement call and doesn't ask for help, doesn't mean it's the correct call; it just means it's the call that stands on that play.

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