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Old Tue Aug 02, 2005, 11:34am
ljudge ljudge is offline
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OK, here's the correction from the fed site...

*9.6 COMMENT, Page 71: b: If a substitute enters the field during the down, but does not make any contact with an opponent or touch the ball and does not influence the play it is illegal participation and a live-ball foul enforced from the basic spot. (9-6-4a) NOTE: Based on the rules change, officials are strongly encouraged to make certain that the substitute’s entry into the field had some impact on the play and was not incidental to viewing the game or simply being in the bench area.

The BOLD piece above is now CROSSED OUT on the fed's web page.

So, my question remains. If this happens during the original play I have stated then all-but-one does NOT apply and you have a basic spot (end of run) enforcement.

Assuming I'm correct then if the original play I described happened to be a score does the score stand, or is this treated as a live-ball player foul enforced from the goal line, 1st and 10 from the 15?
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