Lets quit tiptoeing around the bushes here, because that is exactly how it will be perceived.
"Partner told the coach he was 100% sure the foot did not come up (from my view he was absolutely correct). Coach comes up to me after the inning and asks what I saw...I told him I couldn't say anything then because my partner"
You just sold your partner down the drain because it sounds like you want to tell him more but your partner already made a call and you don't want to say anything.
How about, "coach, he made the correst call."
" I am 100% that his foot was on the bag. I sneak a quick peek at my partner." Why if your 100%?
Two weeks ago I did a American Legion game and I had a play at first. I was coming over from the "C" position and didn't get in a good position for a pulled foot. "Out!" First base coach, "he is off the bag," I immeaditely ask my partner " Tony, was he on the bag". Partner, "No he was not." "Safe"
This took all of one second and happen so fast that everyone knew we got the call correct. Not one word was said and the game proceeded nicely. No secret signals no beating around the bush. We changed a call smoothly because our presentation was good.
This wasn't about a "get it Right mentality." It was all about doing the best we could, in the most professional manner we knew how.