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Old Mon Aug 01, 2005, 07:06am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Lightbulb Canadian Ruling

Originally posted by MJT
This play was brought up at our college conference meeting today. Give me your ruling. Later I'll tell you what was told to us, and what I thought.

A80 leaps and possesses the ball 1 yard deep in the EZ and while still in the air is driven backwards by B22 where he contacts the ground at the 1 yard line.
1. A80 lands on his feet and falls to the ground.
2. A80 lands on his feet and continues to try to run and gets tackled at the 1 yard line.

If you were at the GPAC meeting today, please refrain from answering.
1. Touchdown
2. Touchdown

At the instant a live ball in player possession crosses the plane of the goal line, it is a touchdown.
Pope Francis
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