Originally posted by TBBlue
That being said, the guys who bash LL Inc. because of something factual that happened to them personally, or to someone they know, have every right to single out the organization with their opinions. They are speaking from experience. Tee has actually given specific examples in the past of issues he personally had with the organization. Those should be told, if he feels it necessary, and he maintains credibility. He dislikes the organization because of the reasons he has posted or published in the past that are most likely factual. He doesn't, in my opinion, bash LL Inc. because it is the what the masses think rec ball is. Most other bashers tend to fall in the second category. They bashing rec ball, but calling it LL.
I've been reading and corresponding with Tee for years, and I don't recall his ever providing a list of specific incidents he personally experienced with Little League, which left him with the disdain he holds for the organization. I have always understood his dislike for "youth baseball" in general to be based in his belief that baseball is NOT a "kid's game," it is in fact a game invented by and for adults.
My own pet theory, not about Tee specifically but about LL-bashers in general, is they must have had a traumatic experience with Little League when they were 12.