Originally posted by kentref
Originally posted by MJT
Why do they not have several different capable officials proof these to see problems. Look at the number of casebook errors. This should not happen, and most, if not all could be eliminated by having many others proof them for errors before publication.
[Edited by MJT on Jul 26th, 2005 at 12:22 AM]
I was thinking the same thing the other day when about halfway through the case book. Sending the case book draft out to a half dozen folks for review would likely catch 90+% of the errors. That would result in a better initial product and a lot less confusion for a lot of officials.
Of course the down side would be a drastic reduction in the amount of discussion board action debating the errors! [/B]
Ken, Very true. Also if they had some officials reazd them maybe could help with clarifying some of the other thimgs we argue about...na, that would realy make it boring>>>LOL