Originally posted by Tim C
We aren't saying it wasn't a BLOWN CALL . . .
What we are saying is that you can't testify that what you saw was correct.
Let's reverse this . . .
What if SMITTY says YOU missed the call because he SAW IT DIFFERENTLY! And then he reverses your call (which you know you got correct).
Do you understand this at all?
I know, you don't want to join in the logic parade, and that is why after 20 years of umpiring you will have one year of experience 20 times.
Reverse it?!?!
Smitty can't do that. I didn't do that then and I don't plan on doing that now. I simply advanced the question because of late, we have seen and heard a lot of "got to get it right". I'm in firm belief that the call my BU made was BLOWN, but I'm also in firm belief that his
judgement call STANDS. If he comes to me for help, I'll give my opinion (in private), but it's still his call.
When you guys say the PU can't reverse a BU's judgement call because he saw the play different,
I'm in agreement, 100%.
If I'm relegated to 20, 1-year of experiences because I notice what goes on field, learn from those mistakes (mine and others), make adjustments and yes, even entertain different mechanics to improve performance, then so be it - at least I'll be eligible for rookie of the year 20 times.