Originally posted by mcrowder
Point completely missed again.
Umpire A is in the correct position to make a call, sees what he sees, and calls one thing. Umpire B is not in correct position, and is 90 feet further from the play than Umpire B. B sees something different, and feels A blew the call. Who is most likely right?
Had you discussed this with him after the game, you might find him saying that your version of the events were as bad as you are now saying his version was.
(Also --- when you saw the runner 6 feet off the bag, how did you also see the catch? From your angle, this play was peripheral to your line of sight on the runner (or were you looking at the catch and THEN the runner?))
Generally, you are correct - closer and better angle almost always gets the call correct. But it you can comprehend this, IT WAS A BLOWN CALL. If you choose not to believe me, so be it. It must surely be a blessing to never have a partner blow a call or miss a ball/strike.
I did discuss the call with my partner after the game and he just shrugged it off and basically said, "Oh well, I guess I missed one." And I think he even brought the play up before I said anything to him.
Do me a favor. Next time you visit a ballfield, stand about 25 feet from 3B (towards home) and take a look at 2B. F8 caught the ball at about 250' (300' field) to the right of center. I seriously hope that being able to see the catch and R2 is within your capabilities.