Originally posted by 5 sport ref
I just asked them if they had earrings on under the tape and they said that they did. I told them if they didn't come out, she couldn't come out. I also asked the coaches in pre-game if their players are legally equiped and all the jewelry is off.
I was just trying to find out where the idea of taping over them came from.
It comes from the "you cannot call what you cannot see" theory. Like Steve noted, all you see is tape. As far as I'm concerned, there is no rule forbidding tape on one's ears. For that matter, (speaking ASA) the is no rule absolutely forbidding jewelry.
I am not a player's mother. If the player is old enough to have pierced ears, and obviously a player's parent/guardian would be aware this individual is participating in a competitive sport with this jewelry on, who am I to circumvent their parental authority unless there is a danger to another participant in the game.
I look for jewelry on the arms, wrists and hands. Other than that, it's the player's game, not mine.