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Old Fri Jul 29, 2005, 07:23pm
TravelinMan TravelinMan is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Lawton, OK
Posts: 505

I decided to try officiating HS volleyball for the first time and I hope I am not getting in over my head.

I have officiated HS basketball for 8 years and this past year I had a full varsity schedule.

VB is another story. Not having played competitive volleyball, I have a lot to learn. Are there any other officials who are or once were in the same boat? Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated.

I have my first meeting tomorrow with the local volleyball association in Columbus, GA. The head of the association gave me the rule and case books to study for an open book exam. He said he would work me with some experienced officials before the season starts.
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