Re: Re: Re: LISTEN:
YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT! I was there and unless you have some psychic abilities I'm not aware of, you are in no position to contradict me. This was not a bang-bang play; it was not a close play; it was not a case of R2 "possibly" leaving a tad too early.
You are correct in saying BU had the best position and view of the call. You are correct in saying BU's position was better than mine. However, when I, in said "poor" position, clearly see the runner take at least two running steps (ie. at LEAST 6-7 feet from 2B) before F8's glove touched the ball, he left early. When I say "everybody" knew it, I mean it literally, not figuratively.
I'm sorry if you find it hard to believe me, but it was a blown call - not even close.