1. Shoes are shined for each game.
2. Don't get lazy on your strike mechanic. Crisp and sharp, everytime.
3 Be to the site 30 mintes prior. Includes calling your scheduled partner to make sure you know each other will be there.
4. You have all day to make a safe/out call. Don't rush it.
5. NEVER have coaches or players throw returned foul balls to you. Always have someone run out and restock your supply. Chasing balls all over the field takes up time.
6. And speaking of time, as soon as a batted ball becomes foul, give the pitcher a new ball. There's no need for everyone to be looking to the parking lot to see where it landed.
7. If the pitcher takes his sweet time taking warm-up pitches, give him less than 5 pitches. In NHFS, he has one minute to complete his warm up. 2 extra minutes of warm up per half inning equals 28 minutes over 7 innings. Lots of time wasted.