Dude, here is some experience for you...
When I was a young army officer I had a extremely foul mouth. I used four letter words extensively and could weave quite the tale while doing so. After one of my more colorful displays, I was called out in front of 150 of my peers by a much higher ranking officer. His comment to me...
"those that feel the need to use four-letter words do so because they are too stupid to have developed a vocabulary. There is a time and place for cursing and it is not every other word..."
You should pay attention to those words. I did and people take me serious more often these days...
Oh, and by the way, saying you have the ability to "kick someone's a$$" is often a cover up for one of two things:
1) a man who is extremely insecure
2) a man who is too stupid to participate in educated, thoughtful debate
Alan Roper
Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here - CPT John Parker, April 19, 1775, Lexington, Mass