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Old Thu Jul 28, 2005, 10:20am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by M&M Guy

How close to the line does the player need to be for us to show the "2" signal vs. the "3"? If 1" is close enough, is 3" far enough away to not need it, or is it 5"? Why even bother; shouldn't the table know that it's a "3" if we signal it, or it's not?
If you worked in the Chicago Public League, you would be surprised how many kids are working the table. They are not watching the game half the time or even completely understand what their job is. If I cannot guarantee the scorer not putting in a foul number before I report the foul, I am not going to always trust them they know the difference. I know when I work college ball, those table people tend to be more experienced and more concerned about following the official's lead.

Originally posted by M&M Guy
How about the official that gave the safe sign on the drive to communicate there was no foul? Would you incorporate that signal into your game? I know I'm not; but why is that "unapproved" signal not going to catch on (I hope), but others are ok?
Have you ever seen a D1 officials use that signal on TV? Have you ever seen an NBA official use that signal on TV? That should tell you everything you need to know right there. If a veteran officials is stupid enough to use a signal based solely on what a new officials does, that veteran should probably not be there.

Originally posted by M&M Guy
Again, if there is an unusual situation or a question arises where something needs to be communicated, by all means, communicate it. I guess I feel that just because a play is close doesn't make it unusual, therefore we should stick to the "approved" signals.
Again I think you are reading way too much into what I said. I did not say do something because it was close. Sometimes the close plays are the easiest to see or to recognize. I also know I am not trying to tell you what to do or how to use an "unapproved" signal. I know I am going to continue to use these signals during the season and I have never been told not to by anyone of significance. This conversation is interesting, but it is not going to change my philosophy. So if you feel these signals are "out of line" then do not use them. You are not going to hurt my feelings. I remember officials that would not birddog before it the mechanics were changed. It does not offend me when guys choose not to do that. We are not robots and we will never become robots. The signals are there as a starting point and as people learn more about this hobby, they incorporate many things into their game they see fit. If you want to stick directly with the book, you are not going to make me upset or anyone upset for that matter.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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