Thread: Interference?
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Old Thu Jul 28, 2005, 08:39am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by bossman72
What if say the RH batter, after the pitch comes in, takes one foot and puts it outside the box- in the same manner that he takes his signs from the coach- and gets in the way of the catcher. Would this be interference? I've seen it happen a few times this year and have called nothing. What say you?
No batter puts his foot outside the box to look for signs in the time it takes for F2 to throw to third. So, if the batter puts his foot outside the box before F2 can throw, the batter is interfering nad trying to cover it by making it appear as though he was taking signs.

It's analagous to the batters who never step across the plate after swinging at a pitch except when R1 is attempting to steal second.

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